miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011




Successor of the C.C.C.F. (1941-1961) and Concacaf (1963-1971) Championships. In the third and fourth tournament, Brazil were invited in order to boost commercial interest. In the fifth tournament, Colombia, Peru and South Korea entered as guests, in the sixth Ecuador and South Korea, in the seventh Brazil and Colombia, and in the eighth Colombia and South Africa (leaving only OFC and UEFA as uninvited confederations).


1991 USA
1993 Mexico
1996 Mexico
1998 Mexico
2000 Canada
2002 USA
2003 Mexico
2005 USA
2007 USA
2009 Mexico
2011 México

Ranking of winners

Mexico           6
United States    4
Canada           1


1991    USA                 0-0 Honduras                   [aet, 4-3 pen]
        [Final tournament in USA]
1993    Mexico              4-0 USA
        [Final tournament in Mexico and USA]
1996    Mexico              2-0 Brazil U-23
        [Final tournament in USA]
1998    Mexico              1-0 USA
        [Final tournament in USA]
2000    Canada              2-0 Colombia
        [Final tournament in USA]
2002    USA                 2-0 Costa Rica
        [Final tournament in USA]
2003    Mexico              1-0 Brazil
        [Final tournament in Mexico and USA]
2005    USA                 0-0 Panama                     [aet, 3-1 pen]            
        [Final tournament in USA]
2007    USA                 2-1 Mexico
        [Final tournament in USA]
2009    Mexico              5-0 USA     
        [Final tournament in USA]

All-Time Table "Gold Cup" 1991-2009

                                  Part   Pl   W  D  L   F- A   Pts (2/win)
 1.USA                             10    49  38  6  5  93-34   82
 2.Mexico                          10    45  32  7  6 104-24   71
 3.Costa Rica                       9    38  13 10 15  61-51   36
 4.Canada                           9    32  14  6 12  41-46   34
 5.Honduras                         9    31  14  4 13  50-44   32
 6.Brazil                           3    14   8  2  4  22- 9   18
 7.Jamaica                          7    25   6  4 15  25-47   16
 8.Panama                           4    17   4  6  7  23-26   14
 9.Colombia                         3    13   5  2  6  14-17   12
10.Trinidad and Tobago              7    19   4  4 11  24-35   12
11.Guatemala                        8    23   3  6 14  18-40   12
12.El Salvador                      6    17   5  1 11  11-31   11
13.Guadeloupe                       2     9   4  1  4  10-13    9
14.Haiti                            4    12   2  4  6  10-19    8
15.South Africa                     1     4   1  3  0   7- 6    5
16.Martinique                       3     8   1  2  5   5-20    4
17.Cuba                             5    13   1  2 10  10-37    4
18.Peru                             1     4   1  1  2   7- 7    3
19.South Korea                      2     6   0  4  2   4- 7    3
20.Ecuador                          1     2   1  0  1   2- 2    2
21.Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1     2   0  0  2   0- 8    0
22.Nicaragua                        1     3   0  0  3   0- 8    0
23.Grenada                          1     3   0  0  3   0-10    0

Topscorers "Gold Cup"

1991: Benjamin GALINDO Marentes (Mexico)                         4 
1993: "ZAGUE" Luis Roberto Alves dos Santos Gavranic (Mexico)   11 
1996: Eric Boswell WYNALDA (USA)                                 4
1998: Luis Arturo HERNÁNDEZ Carreon (Mexico) 
      Pablo Cesar WANCHOPE Watson (Costa Rica)                   4 

African Nations Cup-



1957 SUDÁN



Has been played since 1957, and is thereby older than the corresponding European championship. The tournament is held every two years, and the number of teams participating in the final tournament has continually increased and reached 16 for the first time in 1998.


1957 Egypt
1959 Egypt
1962 Ethiopia
1963 Ghana
1965 Ghana
1968 Congo (Kinshasa)
1970 Sudan
1972 Congo (Brazzaville)
1974 Zaire
1976 Morocco
1978 Ghana
1980 Nigeria
1982 Ghana
1984 Cameroon
1986 Egypt
1988 Cameroon
1990 Algeria
1992 Ivory Coast
1994 Nigeria
1996 South Africa
1998 Egypt
2000 Cameroon
2002 Cameroon
2004 Tunisia
2006 Egypt
2008 Egypt
2010 Egypt

Countrywise list of winners

Egypt                     7
Cameroon                  4
Ghana                     4
Congo (Kinshasa)          2  [includes Zaire]
Nigeria                   2
Algeria                   1
Congo (Brazzaville)       1
Ethiopia                  1
Ivory Coast               1
Morocco                   1
South Africa              1
Sudan                     1
Tunisia                   1


1957    Egypt               4-0 Ethiopia
        [Final tournament in Sudan]
1959    Egypt               2-1 Sudan
        [Final tournament in Egypt]
1962    Ethiopia            4-2 Egypt            [aet]
        [Final tournament in Ethiopia]
1963    Ghana               3-0 Sudan
        [Final tournament in Ghana]
1965    Ghana               3-2 Tunisia          [aet]
        [Final tournament in Tunisia]
1968    Congo (Kinshasa)    1-0 Ghana
        [Final tournament in Ethiopia]
1970    Sudan               1-0 Ghana
        [Final tournament in Sudan]
1972    Congo (Brazzaville) 3-2 Mali
        [Final tournament in Cameroon]
1974    Zaire               2-2 Zambia           [aet]
 replay Zaire               2-0 Zambia
        [Final tournament in Egypt]
1976    Morocco             1-1 Guinea                     [group format]
        [Final tournament in Ethiopia]
1978    Ghana               2-0 Uganda
        [Final tournament in Ghana]
1980    Nigeria             3-0 Algeria
        [Final tournament in Nigeria]
1982    Ghana               1-1 Libya            [aet, 7-6 pen]
        [Final tournament in Libya]
1984    Cameroon            3-1 Nigeria
        [Final tournament in Ivory Coast]
1986    Egypt               0-0 Cameroon         [aet, 5-4 pen]
        [Final tournament in Egypt]
1988    Cameroon            1-0 Nigeria
        [Final tournament in Morocco]
1990    Algeria             1-0 Nigeria
        [Final tournament in Algeria]
1992    Ivory Coast         0-0 Ghana            [aet, 11-10 pen]
        [Final tournament in Senegal]
1994    Nigeria             2-1 Zambia
        [Final tournament in Tunisia]
1996    South Africa        2-0 Tunisia
        [Final tournament in South Africa]
1998    Egypt               2-0 South Africa
        [Final tournament in Burkina Faso]
2000    Cameroon            2-2 Nigeria          [aet, 4-3 pen]
        [Final tournament in Nigeria and Ghana]
2002    Cameroon            0-0 Senegal          [aet, 3-2 pen]
        [Final tournament in Mali]
2004    Tunisia             2-1 Morocco
        [Final tournament in Tunisia]
2006    Egypt               0-0 Ivory Coast      [aet, 4-2 pen]
        [Final tournament in Egypt]
2008    Egypt               1-0 Cameroon
        [Final tournament in Ghana]
2010    Egypt               1-0 Ghana       
        [Final tournament in Angola]
               winners   finalists   semifinalists
Egypt             7          8          14
Ghana             4          8          10
Cameroon          4          6           8
Nigeria           2          6          13
Congo-Kinshasa    2          2           4   [includes Zaire]
Tunisia           1          3           6
Sudan             1          3           4
Ivory Coast       1          2           8
Algeria           1          2           6
Ethiopia          1          2           5
Morocco           1          2           5
South Africa      1          2           3
Congo-Brazzaville 1          1           2  
Zambia                       2           5
Mali                         1           4
Senegal                      1           4
Uganda                       1           2
Guinea                       1           1
Libya                        1           1
Burkina Faso                             1
                 27         54         106   [only 3 teams in 1957, 1959]

African Cup of Nations 1957-2006 - All-Time Tables

Final Tournament All-Time Table 1957-2006

FT 1:  number of final tournaments played 
FT 2:  consecutive final tournaments played (+) consecutive final tournaments missed (-)
G:     Games
W:     Wins
D:     Draws
L:     Loses
GD:    goal difference
P2+    points according to 2 points/win
P%:    success percentage
P2/3+: points actually obtained
P3+:   points according to 3 points/win
Team                   FT1 FT2   G  W  D  L  G+  G-  GD    P2+  P% P2/3+ P3+
Egypt                   20  12  78 40 14 24 123  77  46  94:62 0,603 110 134
Nigeria                 14   4  70 38 17 15 103  70  33  93:47 0,664 109 131
Cameroon                14   6  61 32 19 10  90  51  39  83:39 0,680  98 115
Ghana                   15   1  60 32 13 15  80  51  29  77:43 0,642  85 109
Ivory Coast             16   1  62 24 16 22  82  72  10  64:60 0,516  71  88
Morocco                 12   5  48 17 19 12  52  40  12  53:43 0,552  61  70
Algeria                 13  -1  51 18 16 17  63  57   6  52:50 0,510  56  70
Zambia                  12   1  48 20 10 18  58  50   8  50:46 0,521  56  70
Zaire/Congo Kinshasa    15   8  56 16 15 25  64  80 -16  47:65 0,420  53  63
Tunisia                 12   7  46 15 16 15  59  57   2  46:46 0,500  58  61
Senegal                 10   4  40 15  9 16  45  34  11  39:41 0,488  47  54
South Africa             6   6  28 13  7  8  34  27   7  33:23 0,589  46  46
Guinea                   8   2  28  9 10  9  40  38   2  28:28 0,500  33  37
Mali                     4  -1  22  8  6  8  30  34  -4  22:22 0,500  27  30
Sudan                    6 -15  17  6  5  6  24  22   2  17:17 0,500  17  23
Congo Brazzaville        6  -3  22  5  6 11  21  34 -13  16:28 0,364  16  21
Ethiopia                 9 -12  24  7  2 15  28  54 -26  16:32 0,333  16  23
Togo                     6   1  18  2  6 10  13  32 -19  10:26 0,278  12  12
Upper Volta/Burkina Faso 6  -1  21  2  5 14  20  45 -25   9:33 0,214  11  11
Libya                    2   1   8  2  4  2   8   9  -1   8: 8 0,500   8  10
Uganda                   5 -14  16  3  1 12  17  31 -14   7:25 0,219   7  10
Angola                   3   1   9  1  4  4  13  19  -6   6:12 0,333   7   7
Kenya                    5  -1  14  1  4  9   8  24 -16   6:22 0,214   7   7
Liberia                  2  -2   5  1  2  2   5   7  -2   4: 6 0,400   5   5
Zimbabwe                 2   2   6  2  0  4   8  13  -5   4: 8 0,333   3   6
Gabon                    3  -3   8  1  2  5   6  16 -10   4:12 0,250   5   5
Rwanda                   1  -1   3  1  1  1   3   3   0   3: 3 0,500   4   4
Sierra Leone             2  -5   5  1  1  3   2  11  -9   3: 7 0,300   4   4
Tanzania                 1 -13   3  0  1  2   3   6  -3   1: 5 0,167   1   1
Namibia                  1  -4   3  0  1  2   7  11  -4   1: 5 0,167   1   1
Malawi                   1 -11   3  0  1  2   2   6  -4   1: 5 0,167   1   1
Mozambique               3  -4   9  0  1  8   2  19 -17   1:17 0,056   1   1
Mauritius                1 -16   3  0  0  3   2   8  -6   0: 6 0,000   0   0
Benin                    1  -1   3  0  0  3   1   8  -7   0: 6 0,000   0   0

Final Tournament Final Placings 1957-2006

FT: Final Tournaments
QF: Quarterfinal/Group Stage (2 groups)
GS: Group Stage (4 groups)
Country                 FT  1  2  3  4 QF GS
Egypt                   20  5  1  3  3  6  2
Ghana                   15  4  3     1  5  2
Cameroon                14  4  1  1  1  6  1
Nigeria                 14  2  4  6     2   
Zaire/Congo Kinshasa    15  2     1  1  9  2
Tunisia                 12  1  2  1  2  4  2
Sudan                    6  1  2  1     2   
Ivory Coast             16  1  1  4  1  6  3
Algeria                 13  1  1  2  1  5  3
Ethiopia                 9  1  1  1  2  4   
Morocco                 12  1  1  1  2  3  4
South Africa             6  1  1  1     1  2
Congo                    6  1        1  3  1
Zambia                  12     2  3     3  4
Senegal                 10     1     3  6   
Mali                     4     1     3      
Uganda                   5     1     1  3   
Guinea                   8     1        5  2
Libya                    2     1           1
Upper Volta/Burkina Faso 6           1  1  4
Kenya                    5              3  2
Togo                     6              2  4
Gabon                    3              1  2
Mozambique               3              1  2
Tanzania                 1              1   
Malawi                   1              1   
Mauritius                1              1   
Angola                   3                 3
Liberia                  2                 2
Zimbabwe                 2                 2
Sierra Leone             2                 2
Rwanda                   1                 1
Namibia                  1                 1
Benin                    1                 1

Qualifying Stages All-Time Table (1957-2005)

EC:    number of African Cups played 
G:     Games
W:     Wins
D:     Draws
L:     Loses
GD:    goal difference
P2+    points according to 2 points/win
P%     success percentage
P2/3+  points actually obtained
P3+    points according to 3 points/win
Country                  AC   G  W  D  L  G+  G-  GD    P2+    P% P2/3+ P3+
Zambia                   18  88 50 19 19 141  74  67  119: 57 0,676 141 169
Ivory Coast              20  78 51 14 13 143  55  88  116: 40 0,744 137 167
Algeria                  20  86 40 25 21 139  79  60  105: 67 0,610 121 145
Senegal                  20  86 40 24 22 121  80  41  104: 68 0,605 120 144
Guinea                   21  89 39 25 25 130  98  32  103: 75 0,579 118 142
Egypt                    25  76 41 20 15 156  72  84  102: 50 0,671 116 143
Morocco                  19  78 41 20 17 121  56  65  102: 54 0,654 121 143
Zaire/Congo Kinshasa     19  85 38 25 22 129  83  46  101: 69 0,594 116 139
Togo                     17  88 38 19 31 107  95  12   95: 81 0,540 117 133
Mali                     18  89 36 22 31 112 103   9   94: 84 0,528 108 130
Nigeria                  20  68 32 24 12 105  47  58   88: 48 0,647 100 120
Uganda                   19  87 31 24 32 104 115 -11   86: 88 0,494  95 117
Cameroon                 20  65 33 18 14 102  61  41   84: 46 0,646  95 117
Ghana                    23  66 34 16 16 111  51  60   84: 48 0,636  99 118
Tunisia                  19  69 33 18 18 107  61  46   84: 54 0,609  99 117
Zimbabwe                 13  70 32 15 23 102  82  20   79: 61 0,564  96 111
Gabon                    14  72 27 21 24  92  77  15   75: 69 0,521  89 102
Kenya                    20  83 28 19 36  94  97  -3   75: 91 0,452  88 103
Angola                   11  66 28 16 22  84  67  17   72: 60 0,545  88 100
Congo-Brazzaville        18  77 24 21 32  84  94 -10   69: 85 0,448  80  93
Sudan                    19  69 24 13 32  69  95 -26   61: 77 0,442  67  85
Mozambique               13  58 21 14 23  72  74  -2   56: 60 0,483  64  77
Upper Volta/Burkina Faso 12  52 20 12 20  62  75 -13   52: 52 0,500  66  72
Ethiopia                 23  66 20 11 35  59 110 -51   51: 81 0,386  55  71
Liberia                  13  66 18 14 34  58 100 -42   50: 82 0,379  64  68
Mauritius                18  72 14 20 38  64 117 -53   48: 96 0,333  55  62
Malawi                   16  64 15 16 33  71 111 -40   46: 82 0,359  52  61
Sierra Leone             13  44 17 10 17  47  47   0   44: 44 0,500  48  61
Libya                    12  46 17  6 23  55  62  -7   40: 52 0,435  51  57
Tanzania                 17  60 12 16 32  60  92 -32   40: 80 0,333  41  52
South Africa              7  32 15  9  8  42  34   8   39: 25 0,609  53  54
Madagascar               12  45 14 11 20  44  69 -25   39: 51 0,433  45  53
Dahomey/Benin            11  52 10 12 30  51  97 -46   32: 72 0,308  41  42
Namibia                   6  40  9 13 18  39  58 -19   31: 49 0,388  39  40
Lesotho                   8  30  6 10 14  26  59 -33   22: 38 0,367  25  28
Cape Verde                5  25  9  3 13  24  34 -10   21: 29 0,420  29  30
Burundi                   6  29  7  7 15  20  38 -18   21: 37 0,362  26  28
Niger                    10  32  9  2 21  27  65 -38   20: 44 0,313  24  29
Mauritania                9  36  5 10 21  20  64 -44   20: 52 0,278  21  25
Rwanda                    6  25  7  5 13  20  38 -18   19: 31 0,380  24  26
Botswana                  7  36  5  9 22  23  66 -43   19: 53 0,264  24  24
Swaziland                 7  23  4  9 10  22  46 -24   17: 29 0,370  20  21
Gambia                   10  22  6  4 12  21  33 -12   16: 28 0,364  18  22
Chad                      5  16  5  5  6  18  21  -3   15: 17 0,469  18  20
Seychelles                5  14  3  2  9   7  26 -19    8: 20 0,286  10  11
Eritrea                   4  18  3  2 13   8  33 -25    8: 28 0,222  11  11
Somalia                   6  11  3  1  7   4  21 -17    7: 15 0,318   7  10
Central African Rep..     4  12  2  3  7  12  22 -10    7: 17 0,292   7   9
Equatorial Guinea         5  14  2  1 11   6  32 -26    5: 23 0,179   7   7
Guinea-Bissau             2  11  2  0  9   7  24 -17    4: 18 0,182   4   6
Sao Tome & Principe       3   6  0  1  5   2  20 -18    1: 11 0,083   1   1
Djibouti                  2   4  0  0  4   2  16 -14    0:  8 0,000   0   0

All-Time Table Qualifying and Final Tournaments (1957-2006)

AC1:   number of African Cup played 
AC2:   consecutive African Cup played (+) consecutive African Cup not played (-)
FT:    Final Tournaments reached
QS:    failed to qualify for final tournament
G:     Games
W:     Wins
D:     Draws
L:     Loses
GD:    goal difference
P2+    points according to 2 points/win
P%     success percentage
P2/3+  points actually obtained
P3+    points according to 3 points/win
Country                 AC1 AC2 FT QS   G  W  D  L   G+  G-  GD    P2+   P%  P2/3+ P3+
Egypt                    25  25 20  5 154 81 34 39  279 149 130  196:112 0,636 199 277
Nigeria                  20   4 15  5 138 70 41 27  208 117  91  181: 95 0,656 179 251
Ivory Coast              20  12 16  4 140 75 30 35  225 127  98  180:100 0,643 178 255
Zambia                   18   9 12  6 136 70 29 37  199 124  75  169:103 0,621 173 239
Cameroon                 20  20 14  6 126 65 37 24  192 112  80  167: 85 0,663 166 232
Ghana                    23  23 15  8 126 66 29 31  191 102  89  161: 91 0,639 157 227
Algeria                  20  20 13  7 137 58 41 38  202 136  66  157:117 0,573 168 215
Morocco                  19  16 12  7 126 58 39 29  173  96  77  155: 97 0,615 167 213
Zaire/Congo Kinshasa     19  11 15  4 141 54 40 47  193 163  30  148:134 0,525 154 202
Senegal                  20  13 10 10 126 55 33 38  166 114  52  143:109 0,567 143 198
Guinea                   21  21  8 13 117 48 35 34  170 136  34  131:103 0,560 121 179
Tunisia                  19  13 12  7 115 48 34 33  166 118  48  130:100 0,565 133 178
Mali                     18   9  4 14 111 44 28 39  142 137   5  116:106 0,523 123 160
Togo                     17   6  6 11 106 40 25 41  120 127  -7  105:107 0,495 105 145
Uganda                   19   8  5 14 103 34 25 44  121 146 -25   93:113 0,451  93 127
Congo-Brazzaville        18   8  6 12  99 29 27 43  105 128 -23   85:113 0,429  84 114
Zimbabwe                 13  13  2 11  76 34 15 27  110  95  15   83: 69 0,546  84 117
Kenya                    20   5  5 15  97 29 23 45  102 121 -19   81:113 0,418  83 110
Gabon                    14  12  3 11  80 28 23 29   98  93   5   79: 81 0,494  85 107
Angola                   11   6  3  8  75 29 20 26   97  86  11   78: 72 0,520  71 107
Sudan                    19   3  6 13  86 30 18 38   93 117 -24   78: 94 0,453  78 108
South Africa              7   7  6  1  60 28 16 16   76  61  15   72: 48 0,600  84 100
Ethiopia                 23   3  9 14  90 27 13 50   87 164 -77   67:113 0,372  71  94
Upper Volta/Burkina Faso 12   6  6  6  73 22 17 34   82 120 -38   61: 85 0,418  65  83
Mozambique               13  13  3 10  67 21 15 31   74  93 -19   57: 77 0,425  65  78
Liberia                  13   7  2 11  71 19 16 36   63 107 -44   54: 88 0,380  63  73
Libya                    12   4  2 10  54 19 10 25   63  71  -8   48: 60 0,444  44  67
Mauritius                18   7  1 17  75 14 20 41   66 125 -59   48:102 0,320  52  62
Sierra Leone             13   3  2 11  49 18 11 20   49  58  -9   47: 51 0,480  52  65
Malawi                   16  16  1 15  67 15 17 35   73 117 -44   47: 87 0,351  47  62
Tanzania                 17   6  1 16  63 12 17 34   63  98 -35   41: 85 0,325  42  53
Madagascar               12   4  0 12  45 14 11 20   44  69 -25   39: 51 0,433  45  53
Namibia                   6   6  1  5  43  9 14 20   46  69 -23   32: 54 0,372  40  41
Dahomey/Benin            11   5  1 10  55 10 12 33   52 105 -53   32: 78 0,291  35  42
Rwanda                    6   4  1  5  28  8  6 14   23  41 -18   22: 34 0,393  22  30
Lesotho                   8   4  0  8  30  6 10 14   26  59 -33   22: 38 0,367  25  28
Cape Verde                5   4  0  5  25  9  3 13   24  34 -10   21: 29 0,420  17  30
Burundi                   6   4  0  6  29  7  7 15   20  38 -18   21: 37 0,362  26  28
Niger                    10   4  0 10  32  9  2 21   27  65 -38   20: 44 0,313  24  29
Mauritania                9   3  0  9  36  5 10 21   20  64 -44   20: 52 0,278  18  25
Botswana                  7   7  0  7  36  5  9 22   23  66 -43   19: 53 0,264  12  24
Swaziland                 7   4  0  7  23  4  9 10   22  46 -24   17: 29 0,370  20  21
Gambia                   10   3  0 10  22  6  4 12   21  33 -12   16: 28 0,364  15  22
Chad                      5   4  0  5  16  5  5  6   18  21  -3   15: 17 0,469  15  20
Seychelles                5   3  0  5  14  3  2  9    7  26 -19    8: 20 0,286  10  11
Eritrea                   4   4  0  4  18  3  2 13    8  33 -25    8: 28 0,222  11  11
Somalia                   6   1  0  6  11  3  1  7    4  21 -17    7: 15 0,318   7  10
Central African Rep.      4  -1  0  4  12  2  3  7   12  22 -10    7: 17 0,292   7   9
Equatorial Guinea         5   4  0  5  14  2  1 11    6  32 -26    5: 23 0,179   4   7
Guinea-Bissau             2   1  0  2  11  2  0  9    7  24 -17    4: 18 0,182   4   6
Sao Tome & Principe       3   1  0  3   6  0  1  5    2  20 -18    1: 11 0,083   1   1
Djibouti                  2  -2  0  2   4  0  0  4    2  16 -14    0:  8 0,000   0   0

Final Placings Qualifying and Final Tournaments (1957-2006)

The final placings are determined as follows: 
 1. Champions 
 2. Runners-Up 
 3. Semifinalists 
 5. Quarterfinalists 
 5. Preliminary Round Third Place (in case of 2 groups) 
 7. Preliminary Round Fourth Place (in case of 2 groups) 
 9. Round of Last 16 
 9. Preliminary Round Third Place (in case of 4 groups) 
13. Preliminary Round Fourth Place (in case of 4 groups) 
The other final placings are determined after the places in the qualifying stages
Country                  AC  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  9 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 41 42
Egypt                    25  5  1  3  3  5     2  5        1                                                            
Ghana                    23  4  3     1  5  1     6     1  1                                      1                     
Cameroon                 20  4  1  1  1  6        2  1     4                                                            
Nigeria                  20  2  4  6     3        3        1  1                                                         
Zaire/Congo Kinshasa     19  2     1  1  6     3  5  1                                                                  
Tunisia                  19  1  2  1  2  3     1  6  1  1  1                                                            
Sudan                    19  1  2  1     1     2  3  1     3              1        1     1     1  1                     
Ivory Coast              20  1  1  4  1  5     1  4  1     1     1                                                      
Algeria                  20  1  1  2  1  5        4  2     2           1  1                                             
Morocco                  19  1  1  1  2  3     1  6        2     1     1                                                
Ethiopia                 23  1  1  1  2  2     2  2        4           1           2        1     1     3               
South Africa              7  1  1  1     1        1  1                 1                                                
Congo-Brazzaville        18  1        1  1     2  1  1  1  4     4     1                          1                     
Zambia                   18     2  3     2     1  7  1     1     1                                                      
Senegal                  20     1     3  6        4        4     2                                                      
Mali                     18     1     3        1  4        4     1     1  1        1        1                           
Uganda                   19     1     1  1     3     1  1  3     3     1              1  2        1                     
Guinea                   21     1        4     2  6     1  3     1     2                             1                  
Libya                    12     1                 2  1     4     2                    1              1                  
Upper Volta/Burkina Faso 12           1        1  1  4     2     1     1           1                                    
Kenya                    20              1  1  3  4  1     6     1                 2     1                              
Gabon                    14              1        3  2     1     3                 1  1  1        1                     
Togo                     17                    2  3  3  1  5     1                          1  1                        
Tanzania                 17                    1  4     1  2                       3     1           1  2  1           1
Malawi                   16                    1  2        3     2     1     1     1     2        1  1  1               
Mauritius                18                    1  1        7     1     1           3  1  1        1     1               
Mozambique               13                    1     3  1  3           2                          1     2               
Zimbabwe                 13                       3  4     1     2                 2     1                              
Sierra Leone             13                       3  1     3     2                 1     1              2               
Madagascar               12                       2  1  1  3     2     1        1                       1               
Angola                   11                       2  1  1  2     2                 1     1  1                           
Liberia                  13                       2  1     2     1     1           2  2  1                             1
Niger                    10                       1        2     1     2                 1           1  2               
Rwanda                    6                       1        2                             1           1  1               
Dahomey/Benin            11                          1     3                       1  1  2           1  1  1            
Burundi                   6                          1     1           1           1              1     1               
Namibia                   6                          1                             1     1     1  1     1               
Mauritania                9                                2                       2        1     1     2              1
Lesotho                   8                                1     1              1  1     1        1  1  1               
Gambia                   10                                1     1                 2  2  1              2        1      
Swaziland                 7                                1           1              1           1  1  2               
Central African Rep.      4                                1                       1                    1              1
Chad                      5                                      1     1                             1  2               
Eritrea                   4                                         1                                   2              1
Botswana                  7                                               1                       1  1  2  1           1
Cape Verde                5                                               1                       1  1  1  1            
Somalia                   6                                                        2  2  1              1               
Seychelles                5                                                        1              2     2               
Equatorial Guinea         5                                                        1                 1  2              1
Guinea-Bissau             2                                                              1              1               
Sao Tome & Principe       3                                                                          1  2               
Djibouti                  2                                                                          1  1               

African Nations Cup - Topscorers

Totals given only refer to final tournaments and do not include
qualifying matches.
 YEAR   PLAYER                                 COUNTRY          GOALS
 1957   Diab Mohammed Diab El-Attar "AD-DIBA"  Egypt                5  [*]
 1959   Mahmoud AL-GOHARI                      Egypt                3  [*]
 1962   Abdelfatah BADAWI                      Egypt                3
        MENGUISTOU Worku                       Ethiopia             3  [*]
 1963   Hassan Ahmed EL SHAZLY                 Egypt                6
 1965   Ben ACHEAMPONG                         Ghana                3  [*]
        Abbrei Osei KOFI                       Ghana                3  [*]
        Eustache MANGLÉ                        Ivory Coast          3
 1968   Laurent POKOU                          Ivory Coast          6
 1970   Laurent POKOU                          Ivory Coast          8
 1972   Fantamady ‘Salif’ KEITA                Mali                 5
 1974   Mulamba ‘Mutumbula’ NDAYE              Zaire                9  [*]
 1976   Keita Aliou Mamadou ‘N’JO LÉA’         Guinea               4  [*]
 1978   Philip OMONDI                          Uganda               3
        Opoku AFRIYE                           Ghana                3  [*]
        Segun ODEGBAMI                         Nigeria              3
 1980   Khaled Al Abyad LABIED                 Morocco              3
        Segun ODEGBAMI                         Nigeria              3  [*]
 1982   Georges ALHASSAN                       Ghana                4  [*]
 1984   Tahar ABOU ZEID                        Egypt                4
 1986   Albert Roger Mooh Miller ‘MILLA’       Cameroon             4
 1988   Gamal ABDELHAMID                       Egypt                2
        Lakhdar BELLOUMI                       Algeria              2
        Albert Roger Mooh Miller ‘MILLA’       Cameroon             2  [*]
        Abdoulaye TRAORÉ                       Ivory Coast          2
 1990   Djamel MENAD                           Algeria              4  [*]
 1992   Rashidi YEKINI                         Nigeria              4
 1994   Rashidi YEKINI                         Nigeria              5  [*]
 1996   Kalusha BWALYA                         Zambia               5
 1998   Hossam HASSAN                          Egypt                7  [*]
        Benedict McCARTHY                      South Africa         7
 2000   Shaun Thurston BARTLETT                South Africa         5
 2002   Patrick Henri M’BOMA Dem               Cameroon             3  [*]
        René Salomon OLEMBE                    Cameroon             3  [*]
        Julius AGHAHOWA                        Nigeria              3
 2004   Patrick Henri M’BOMA Dem               Cameroon             4
        Frédéric KANOUTÉ                       Mali                 4
        Youssef MOKHTARI                       Morocco              4
        Augustine Azuka ‘Jay Jay’ OKOCHA       Nigeria              4
        Francileudo dos SANTOS                 Tunisia              4  [*]  
 2006   Samuel ETO'O                           Cameroon             5
[*] denotes players who won the Cup with their team in the tournament.

Asian Nations Cup- ASIA


Held every four years since 1956. A shift in the rhythm will take place in 2007 in order to take the tournament out of the years featuring a European Championship and the Olympic Games. The 2007 edition was organised jointly by four (!) countries all gaining automatic entry as hosts.


1956 South Korea
1960 South Korea
1964 Israel
1968 Iran
1972 Iran
1976 Iran
1980 Kuwait
1984 Saudi Arabia
1988 Saudi Arabia
1992 Japan
1996 Saudi Arabia
2000 Japan
2004 Japan
2007 Iraq
2011 - in Qatar

Countrywise list of winners

Iran                      3
Japan                     3
Saudi Arabia              3
South Korea               2
Iraq                      1
Israel                    1
Kuwait                    1


[until the 1972 tournament, no final match was played.]
        winners                 runners-up
1956    South Korea             Israel
1960    South Korea             Israel
1964    Israel                  India
1968    Iran                    Burma
1972    Iran                2-1 South Korea
1976    Iran                1-0 Kuwait
1980    Kuwait              3-0 South Korea
1984    Saudi Arabia        2-0 China
1988    Saudi Arabia        0-0 South Korea                AET, 4-3 pen
1992    Japan               1-0 Saudi Arabia 
1996    Saudi Arabia        0-0 United Arab Emirates       AET, 4-2 pen
2000    Japan               1-0 Saudi Arabia
2004    Japan               3-1 China 
2007    Iraq                1-0 Saudi Arabia
               winners   finalists   semifinalists 
Saudi Arabia      3          6           6
Iran              3          3           8
Japan             3          3           4
South Korea       2          5           8
Israel            1          3           4
Kuwait            1          2           4
Iraq              1          1           2
China                        2           6
UAE                          1           2
Burma                        1           1        [now Myanmar]
India                        1           1
Hongkong                                 2
South Vietnam                            2
Taiwan                                   2
Bahrain                                  1
Cambodia                                 1
North Korea                              1
Thailand                                 1
                 14         28          56
NB: for the tournaments 1956-68, the winners and runners-up are counted as finalists,
    the third and fourth place finishers as semifinalists

Asian Nations Cup Final Tournaments 1956-2000 - All-Time Table

Points calculated on 2pts/win, 1pt/draw.
Matches decided on penalty shootouts are counted as draws.
Ranked on points gained, then least games played (points per game), then goal difference
                           Pd   W   D   L    F   A  Pts    PPG  Part
 1.Iran                    44  26  12   6   86- 29   64   1.45  ( 9)
 2.South Korea             40  20   9  11   67- 46   49   1.23  ( 9)
 3.Saudi Arabia            29  14  11   4   42- 21   39   1.34  ( 5)
 4.Kuwait                  33  14  10   9   42- 31   38   1.15  ( 7)
 5.China                   35  12   9  14   52- 38   33   0.94  ( 7)
 6.Japan                   19  11   4   4   34- 18   26   1.37  ( 4)
 7.United Arab Emirates    23   8   6   9   18- 27   22   0.96  ( 5)
 8.Israel                  13   9   0   4   26- 17   18   1.38  ( 4)
 9.Qatar                   19   4   8   7   18- 25   16   0.84  ( 4)
10.Syria                   15   6   2   7   11- 18   14   0.93  ( 4)
11.Iraq                    15   4   3   8   15- 21   11   0.73  ( 4)
12.North Korea              9   3   1   5   12- 17    7   0.78  ( 2)
13.Thailand                14   0   7   7   11- 31    7   0.50  ( 4)
14.Myanmar                  4   2   1   1    4-  5    5   1.25  ( 1)
15.Malaysia                 6   1   3   2    6-  8    5   0.83  ( 2)
16.India                    7   2   1   4    5- 10    5   0.71  ( 2)
17.Taiwan                   7   1   2   4    5- 14    4   0.57  ( 2)
18.Singapore                4   1   1   2    3-  4    3   0.75  ( 1)
19.Cambodia                 5   1   1   3    8- 10    3   0.60  ( 1)
20.Uzbekistan               6   1   1   4    5- 20    3   0.50  ( 2)
21.Hongkong                10   0   3   7   11- 21    3   0.30  ( 3)
22.Lebanon                  3   0   2   1    3-  7    2   0.67  ( 1)
23.Bahrain                  4   0   2   2    1-  3    2   0.50  ( 1)
24.Indonesia                6   0   2   4    4- 15    2   0.33  ( 2)
25.South Vietnam            6   0   1   5   11- 20    1   0.17  ( 2)
26.South Yemen              2   0   0   2    0-  9    0   0.00  ( 1)
27.Bangladesh               4   0   0   4    2- 17    0   0.00  ( 1)
                          382 140 102 140  502-502  382   1.00  (90)

Oceanian Nations Cup


This tournament began in 1973 as the "Oceania Cup". A second edition took place in 1980, then the tournament was discontinued.
In 1996 it reappeared as the "Oceania Nations Cup" and served as a qualifier for the Confederations Cup. With Oceania Football Confederation now being a separate FIFA confederation, it is supposed to be played biannually in the future.
In the early editions non-FIFA members were allowed to participate. The New Hebrides became Vanuatu after gaining independence in 1980.


1973 New Zealand
1980 Australia
1996 Australia
1998 New Zealand
2000 Australia
2002 New Zealand
2004 Australia
2008 New Zealand

Ranking of winners

Australia        4
New Zealand      4


1973 Auckland          New Zealand          2-0   Tahiti
1980 Nouméa            Australia            4-2   Tahiti
1996 Papeete/Canberra  Australia          6-0 5-0 Tahiti
1998 Brisbane          New Zealand          1-0   Australia
2000 Papeete           Australia            2-0   New Zealand
2002 Auckland          New Zealand          1-0   Australia
2004 Honiara/Sydney    Australia          5-1 6-0 Solomon Islands
2008   round robin

Final Positions and Rankings

Year     First             Second           Third            Fourth
1973     New Zealand       Tahiti           New Caledonia    New Hebrides
1980     Australia         Tahiti           New Caledonia    Fiji
1996     Australia         Tahiti           New Zealand      Solomon Islands
1998     New Zealand       Australia        Fiji             Tahiti
2000     Australia         New Zealand      Solomon Islands  Vanuatu
2002     New Zealand       Australia        Tahiti           Vanuatu
2004     Australia         Solomon Islands  New Zealand      Fiji
2008     New Zealand       New Caledonia    Fiji             Vanuatu
Ranking according to final placings 
                      1   2   3   4
 1.Australia          4   2        
 2.New Zealand        4   1   2    
 3.Tahiti                 3   1   1
 4.New Caledonia          1   2    
 5.Solomon Islands        1   1   1
 6.Fiji                       2   2
 7.Vanuatu/New Hebrides           4
All-Time-Table (1973-2008)
 1.New Zealand       (8)  34 25  2  7  92-31  52 
 2.Australia         (6)  28 24  2  2 142-13  50  
 3.Tahiti            (7)  29 12  3 14  53-73  27  
 4.New Caledonia     (4)  18  8  2  8  37-42  18  
 5.Fiji              (6)  26  8  2 16  34-59  18  
 6.Vanuatu           (7)  30  6  2 22  30-68  14  
 7.Solomon Islands   (5)  17  5  2 10  23-49  12 
 8.Papua New Guinea  (2)   6  1  1  4   8-34   3  
 9.Cook Islands      (2)   4  0  0  4   1-41   0
ROGER MILLA ESTRELLA DEL FÚTBOL AFRICANO jugo los Mundiales de 1982, 1990, 1994